What if it goes well?

Mårten Westlund, PR and Communications Director at Europe's leading amusement destination Liseberg, recently said:
"One of my fears in life is that I am not dreaming big enough."
That quote stayed with me. And I have been thinking about it a lot. Because I suddenly recognized myself in what is quite a radical statement.
As a woman and a super nerd, with high ambitions, I often feel that I don’t fit the mold of how many want me to be.
A woman is expected to be quiet, timid, and compliant. She should work silently and preferably be invisible. She should be so humble that she actually lacks any sense of her own value. She should agree and not question.
This clashes quite harshly with who I am.
I know my worth and what I contribute to organizations and businesses.
I have a holistic view of the world while understanding the importance of meticulousness in detail. I am curious and ask uncomfortable questions to solve complicated problems. I am creative and analytical, often knowing the complex answers before the question is asked.
And I am social and care about the individual, rather than following the crowd.
I am afraid of becoming a conformed sheep. Because a sheep is solely satisfied with searching for green grass in a fenced area.
And that is simply not me.

I am and have always been a free spirit.
I look upward and want to use my wings to discover the world. I want to explore sunny seas and exotic places. I am not content with being comfortable. I am satisfied with exploring and finding innovative solutions. I am not afraid to navigate through a storm to find new ideas — and inner peace.
And I understand that going into deep oceans can feel uncomfortable. What if something goes wrong?
Yes — but what if it goes incredibly well?
It is said that Albert Einstein once expressed:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
There's so much wisdom and insight in that statement. Indeed, if you compare a fish's ability with the ability to climb trees, you will always be seen as a poor fish.
And perhaps there are contexts where I might sometimes be seen as a fish in a tree.
And I know it might feel provocative to hear this: But I am more than comfortable with you seeing me as a poor fish climbing trees when I am fully aware that I excel in the deep waters. I will not excuse myself for being a great swimmer in the ocean or trying to climb a tree simply to make you feel comfortable.
I believe a modern woman in a modern world should be able to be more than a simple sheep, satisfied with green grass — or a fish in the tree.
So, Mårten, thank you for reminding me about the fear that often gnaws at me:
"What if I dream too small? What if I make myself less than I am? What if my fear of making someone uncomfortable prevents me from achieving fantastic results?"
What are your thoughts?
Are you more afraid of failing than succeeding? Or more afraid of succeeding than failing?
Are you more honed to being conical and not risk failing, or are you willing to take a risk for the possibility of further success?